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Parcours international Nanotech
Publié le 22 mars 2021
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Colloque / Séminaire 29 mars 2021

29 March 2021



Imaging solution by ST Microelectronis 

Profile photo of Marios BarlasImage result for st microelectronics

 Marios Barlas / R&D Integration and Device Engineer

The Dawn of the second decade of the 21st century is a highly diversified one in terms of electronics. The high penetration of microelectronic devices in everyday life have started to create, for the first time in human history a strongly interacting man-machine network. Therefore, the plethora of the electronics existing in placed that would be considered inconceivable only 20 years ago, has given the Internet of Things (IoT). Nowadays, the challenge is making the Internet of Things perceive our environment in ways as close to human as possible: That is to give them senses. This is where we come into play, creating electronic eyes for hardware allowing it to see in 2 or 3 dimensions.

STMicroelectronics is one of the main global-scale players in the field of semiconductors and the biggest European IDM (Integrated Device Manufacturer) targeting to bring innovative technologies to its clients that cover applications like mobile, automotive, industrial, IoT and power markets. In this seminar we will develop fundamentals of CMOS imagers: We will try to briefly develop on topics like imaging operating principles, physics, technology enablement, as well as novel imager (circuit) concepts and will showcase how they both drive and are driven by novel applications: From standard imagers for color photography to novel 3D depth sensing infrared circuits that allow machines to recognize their environment enabling applications like facial recognition, autonomous cars or Artificial / Virtual or Mixed Reality (AR/VR/MR).

Finally, the goal is to not only expose the student to the technical aspect of the current topics of interest but also to demystify the role of modern engineers or all disciplines in this complex chain.

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mise à jour le 22 mars 2021

Université Grenoble Alpes