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Characterization - Nanotech Labs

Mis à jour le 11 octobre 2012
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Lab C1: Electrical characterization of MOS capacitors and diode Electrical characterization of MOS capacitors and diode

Using C-V measurement on MOS capacitor, the following extraction will be done             * doping of the substrate             * flat band voltage             * trapped charge density Using the I-V measurement on pn diodes, the following extraction will be done             * Threshold of the diode             * Ideality

Lab C2: Electrical characterization of NMOS transistors

Using the I-V measurement on nMOS , the following extraction will be done             * Threshold of the transistor             * Low field mobility             * Effective length

Lab C3: Electrical characterization of submicron transistors

Using the I-V measurement on nMOS , the following extraction will be done             * Roll off            * DIBL            * Corrected low field mobility            * Effective length            * Access resistances  

Lab C4: Characterization of MEMS


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mise à jour le 11 octobre 2012

Université Grenoble Alpes