Nanotech - 10 years - Anniversary
Please fill in this form below in order to register.
The entrance fee is 10€/person for students and 15€/person for others (employees, teachers, PhD students, ...).
How to pay : by cheque : order your cheque to "Cercle des élèves Phelma" and send it to : Ecole Phelma - Service Finances (à l'attention de Laurence Néault - anniversaire 10 ans nanotech) -Minatec - 3 Parvis Louis Néel - CS 50257 - 38016 Grenoble Cedex 1
If your cheque doesn't mention your own name (cheque name and your own name may be different), thank to warn us by giving your own name in your mail.
Registrations will close the 20th january 2014
Date of update January 13, 2014