You can find here all questions and answers about the Master's degree.
Nanotech Diploma Ceremony
The Diploma Ceremony of the International Mater in Micro and Nano Technologies will be held at EPFL in the Polydôme Hall, on Tuesday November 18, 2008.
How is the selection of students done?
Students are selected by a jury from the 3 institutes. The selection is based on documents provided by the applications (curriculum vitae, marks, motivation and recommandation letters...). Applicants do not need to come to the institutes before the start of the courses.
Is this master program restricted to students of the 3 institutes?
Most of the students that participate in this program originate for the 3 polytechnic institutes. However foreign student from abroad can apply and are selected worldwide.
Should I register to the 3 institutes?
You have to register and pay registration fees in one (1) polytechnic institute only (that you can choose among the 3 institutes).
You will then be registered automatically in the other institutes.
Fees are around 400 to 900 euros / year.
In which language are the courses?
All courses are in English, including the labs.
Registration: when is the online application open?
The online application will re-open in February 2009. It will close on June 1st 2009.
The selected candidates will be noticed in July 2009.
The next session of the Master Nanotech will start in September 2009.
Who to contact?
Communication Master Nanotech : laurent.montes@phelma.grenoble-inp.fr
Who to contact in France?
Panagiota Morfouli - morfouli@phelma.grenoble-inp.fr - +33 (0)4 56 52 95 55
Laurent Montès - montes@phelma.grenoble-inp.fr - +33 (0)4 56 52 95 27
Date of update July 28, 2009